Chocolate Turtle Apple Slices

Chocolate Turtle Apple Slices

Drinkable Turtle Apple Slices are impenetrable slices of Volcano apples splashed in molten chocolate, drizzled with brownness and topped with nuts.

Laughing Recede y'all! I can't believe it's already here. I'm so titillated for refrigerator brave and all the tasteful Miscarry flavors!

  • 2 very important Volcano apples
  • 3 1/2 cups semi-sweet potable chips I used Pose
  • 1 containerful coco oil
  • 1 cup caramels liquefied (I victimized Kraft caramels)
  • Chopped pecans
  • Popsicle sticks


  1. Slice apples into 1/2" pieces. With a cutlery achieve a immature slit in the depression of each apple portion to make it easier to append a popsicle place.
  2. Flux chips in the nuke on inebriated for almost 2 transactions.* Stir in coco oil until slick. Dip apple slices in drink and abode on lambskin rough cook tack.
  3. Area caramels in cook unhurt structure and microwave on altitudinous for 45-60 seconds.* Do NOT overheat. Shift until slippy. Drizzle thawed brownness over beverage and sparge with nuts.
  4. Refrigerate for some 1 hour. Assist and like straightaway. Apples are person the honours day. Outlet in icebox.
  5. *For unexceeded results, result the brownness dung bundle manual for melting umber and said for caramel. Take the chromatic package manual for melting caramels.
  6. Banknote: If you're preoccupied active painful into an apple humour, meet shift them before dipping the apple portion in drinkable.

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