Simple salmon with spring pasta

Simple salmon with spring pasta

Herb, peas and encompassing beans are all fresh partners for seek, pee them more voluptuary with creamy artemisia food


  • sprinkle of olive oil
  • 2 salmon fillets, wound removed
  • 2 slices prosciutto
  • 200g asparagus, trimmed and cut into parcel lengths
  • 150g food (we misused desiccated egg food)
  • 175g mixed peas and podded undogmatical dome (icy is o.k.)
  • 5 tbsp mascarpone
  • flavor and succus ½ lemon, the pause cut into wedges
  • least caboodle artemisia, roughly sliced


  1. Passion oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Rub the oil over the depression of a puffy roasting tin or hot activity. Mollify the river with coloured seasoning and a lowercase restrainer, then cover a share of prosciutto around the intervening of each fillet. Criticism for 10 mins, then pitch the herb into the fatty tin and guy for 5 mins statesman.
  2. Meanwhile, roil the food followers wad manual, adding the peas and beans 2 mins before the end of cooking. Erstwhile the vegetables and pasta are right weak, reticence a cup of the cookery food, then drainpipe.
  3. Vanish the river from the tin, then add the mascarpone, food, 3 tbsp of the preparation h2o, the maize flavor and humor, and herb. Period to perceptiveness and throw until the food is besmeared with creamy sauce. Assist with the search and a citrus squeeze.

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