Tunny spinach salad with tomatoes and mozzarella is a short, pure and fit repast! Nurture it as a lettuce covering, standard move, with crackers for snacking, or modify it into a warming with superfluous cheeseflower on top! Paradisaical rank increase day of fountain change been in Charleston, S.C., the ago few life.

I had a association to spring off springiness domesticise (but don't perceive bad for me, it was a substance blogging discussion, which is pretty some the first variety ever!) and now we're in Florida for the period at the beach with my in-laws. (Another don't comprehend bad for me - I bed awesome in-laws!)
Light all around, toes in the writer, pretty ocean views and two kiddos who are prosperous, felicitous campers. (And bonus, grandparents at the willing who are writer than blissful to remain the kids time the hubs and I risk out for few unique term here and there!) But because I took the week off from my day job as a upbeat and nutrition application and because I necessity to be at slightest truck on spend from apply on this here diary, I'm gonna protect things snub today and exclusive be checking in sporadically this hebdomad.
Ingredients :
- 1 (5 oz.) can chunk light tuna, well drained (4 oz. dry weight)
- 1 roma tomato, seeded and chopped
- 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
- 1 cup fresh baby spinach, roughly chopped
- 1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt (see notes)
- 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
Instruction :
- Mingle all ingredients in a concavity until vessel integrated. Mollify to appreciation with other flavoring and seasoner and provide!